Friday, July 28, 2006

It's always something

So said Roseanne Rosannadanna (aka Gilda Radner). And it's true. Seems like when I'm really working hard to meet a deadline or make an event, there is always something that hangs it up, that delays the completion.

Today, for instance, I was nearly finished with the newsletter and had planned to get it to the print shop today. Nope. Got the layout done, started printing it. Four pages spewed out of the printer just fine. The fifth and sixth sat there, the green bar on the printing progress bar not moving, stuck at half done.

Went to lunch, thinking it'll have printed when I get back.

Oh yes. It printed. It printed half a ream of paper with the PCL -- printer control language, Tony tells me -- with little hearts, bars, signs, numbers. Some with one row. Some with 20-something. Half a ream of this gibberish.


The printer won't cancel; the computer won't cancel. My technie husband takes over and reboots. I stomp out to the garden to check on sprinklers and cucumbers and to blow off steam.

It still won't print.

So I spend the next 45 minutes figuring out that the problem is a gi-normous graphic that was sent to me for inclusion in the publication, and which is hanging up everything.

Send it to Tony; he resizes; I place it; all's well. Printer spits 'em all out, no gagging.

Except that it's now 4:30 and too late to get to the print shop. And they're closed Monday. So the newsletter that was going to be mailed July 31 will now be in the mail sometime between Aug. 2-5. Can't cross that one off just yet.

So it's on to the next "to-do" and we'll see what fresh hurdles wait.

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