Thursday, February 22, 2007

Life reminders found in "Rent"

What a night. We saw Rent at the Redding Convention Center, and it was absolutely awesome. Great set, unbelievable energy and TALENT bursting out of every pore.

And lyrics that have such desperate hope, such determined optimism in spite of life-threatening trouble.

What grabbed me around the throat and squeezed hard was the 'Life Support" theme that ran through several songs:

"...There's only us
There's only this
Forget regret or life is yours to miss
No other road
No other way
No day but today.."

What a live-in-the-moment reminder! Today is what we have: everything changes; nothing stays the same. Be where you are.

And then, in the musical's arguably most recognizable song, "Seasons of Love," was this:

"You measure (525,600 minutes) in love...a gift from up above...Share love, give love, spread love Measure your life in love."

What matters in life is family, friends, and who/how you love and are loved. (Yeah, yeah, I've said it before, I know) But it is yet again another reminder to cherish each moment, to not sweat the small stuff, to remember that this is not a dress rehearsal, and you will get out of life what you put into it.

One day at a time. Today is all we have. Eat the second dessert (at least once in a while). Tell your closest friends and family that you love them. Show them. Do not squander your life with regret over what has happened. Remember the past, plan for the future, but BE FULLY IN today.

**climbs down off the soapbox enroute to bed***

It's magazine week ... March O Magazine is bedtime reading.

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