Old Musings is three! I started this blog Oct. 11, 2004 -- and this is my 187th post. That's about one post every six days...not quite my ideal, but there was a big chunk of time in 2005 going into 2006 where I wrote nothing after my mother died. Ideally I'd post at least three times weekly. Let's see how I do in my fourth year.
Over this next week or so I'd like to take a look back at some of my favorite posts -- so please indulge me that.
One place I've bogged down is reporting what I'm reading. Mostly it's been magazines -- my current fav O magazine takes me a while since it is fat and full of good articles, thought-provoking and interesting ones, unlike so many magazines that you can recycle after about an hour. There's the ever-present Newsweek, which I read in spurts and therefore always have several issues folded to where I left off reading, and Cooking Light and Sunset, which I also read in bits and then go back through before I'm ready to pass them on.
I read every night in bed, and magazines are fairly awkward, alas, but I read 'em anyway. The problem with cooking magazines is that I get hungry, and it's far too late to eat.
I'm reading Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love after seeing an interview on Oprah. Her style is very casual, almost blog-style, and very easy to read. I'm just barely into it but like what I'm reading very much.
I finished Evening by Susan Minot, who also wrote the screenplay for the movie of the same name. I was very disappointed in this book and hope I like the movie better -- it came highly recommended by my BFF Julie, and has a terrific cast. But the book was a mishmash of what I thought was very superficial thoughts by both the main character who is dying, and her children, and it was written without an abundance of punctuation and no quotation marks. I found it tedious, and it was that way to the very end -- yes, I kept reading in hopes that it would have some redemption at the end. It didn't. Reading the Amazon reviews, I see that I wasn't alone in my assessment, although there also was a great deal of praise for the stream-of-consciousness style.
A new O should hit the mailbox this week. :)
Anyway. Happy anniversary to Old Musings and to me. And thank YOU for reading these ramblings.
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