I can tell you up front that there won't be any new posts this coming week. I'm not going to have Internet access to do so, and while I know people use their cell phones or pdas to post, I use my cell phone only as a phone and I don't have a pda.
So tune in next weekend when I can tell you the rest of the story....
It's been another lesson in patience. And in living one day at a time. And in letting go. And using the Serenity Prayer over and over and over.
But I will ask for your prayers and your kind thoughts.
I am very grateful for the love and support of friends and colleagues -- I've been moved to tears more than once this week in gratitude. There are good people here. And elsewhere. Thank you.
Stay cool. Stay well. Hug your spouses and your children, and pet your dogs and kitties. Show your gratitude and your love, and be kind. Thanks for reading my musings...
I will check in again next week. I also don't use a pda and use my cell only as a phone. Hope you also stay well and keep cool (in all senses of the word).
I see by your profile that you are a "voracious and eclectic" reader. Here is a story that may be entertaining to you. It is twelve chapters now with one more to go to finish it. It's named,"A Detective Story." I hope you'll check it out. I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you will enjoy reading it.
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