1. The
idea of rooting down into your own personal beliefs and center of truth
is an ongoing process, and many things can serve as anchors or roots as
you move through life.
What rooted or anchored you in 2014?
And where do you want to put down roots in 2015?
2. One word: What one word could describe your 2014?
1. Moving through all the fear and anxiety and change that I did this year both around my heart issues and also around my daughter's issues required from me the faith that things could be better than they were.
And so I took one step at a time and let go of some things -- like the financial involvement in my daughter's life and desire to steer her life in the direction I thought it should go, for instance. I'd started that process more than a year ago then, but really took definite steps to get myself out of it -- and in the process this year, I've lost any interest in playing detective and finding out details that she often omits in conversation. Her path is hers to live and to manage, and not mine, and I will not be easily drawn into any future drama.
That all required faith from me that she indeed could do this, that I could indeed let go.
The whole heart health problems demanded faith that it could improve and that I would be okay through it all. One step at a time. One procedure, one call, one visit, one test at a time. And it has gotten both easier and better.
So for 2015, I want to keep faith, but I want to add strength: in body and mind and spirit. Practice the techniques I learned this year, rebuild body strength, and continue to grow in spiritual paths.
2. Duh.
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