Lots of beginnings this month, but not much resolution in any of them, it seems, and that's not a really comfortable place to be.
Update on daughters: not much to update. Haven't heard from #3 or #2; #1 is staying put for the time being, and I'm trusting that she is okay (later update -- she is). I have to trust they're ALL okay, y'know? Otherwise the ice weasels do a marathon dance contest. Some days are easier than others.
You think that if you love someone enough that it will help them, and that's not necessarily true: thousands and thousands of families who have gone through Alanon, for instance, because they love someone who is destroying themselves through alcohol or drug abuse. I believe love can make a difference -- but ultimately the individual is responsible for his/her behavior and choices. Golly but that is a hard lesson.
Update on kitties: Both new little boys are just thriving outside,and they're about to the point where we will leave them outside at night too. Their personalities have solidified: Snitch is very personable, loves to be held, and purrs with a loud rumble. He darts here and there, and is curious and not hesitant. Squib is still reserved, but more vocal, and talks a lot. He will purr when held, but doesn't seek a lap, preferring to watch from a little distance. He is very busy playing, though, running up trees, attacking the stones and dried leaves, and should make an excellent gopher-getter! Weasley sniffs and occasionally licks; they've yet to all snuggle together, but that's coming. He likes having them. Harry is still pouting and glares at them, but is not aggressive towards them. Cheswick and McMurphy, inside, still aren't happy, but the hissing and wild-eyed behavior has stopped. Everybody likes treats (bribes)...
Update on jobs: We're beginning to settle into a routine now of commuting to Chico and writing at home, and I'm over a major deadline, so am trying to figure out what I need to do next. A top priority is organizing the office and cleaning out the real estate stuff -- but I'm having trouble getting started, maybe because it is a big project. I've got a couple of Arts Council deadlines too, and just need to git'erdone. I've got other assignments, but loose deadlines, so there's not a big rush to work on them -- although I should get started.
And I'd rather read. I'm an Oprah behind, and closing in on the last pages of Kushiel's Scion, plus two or three issues of Newsweek.
It feels like the dog days of summer right now, despite the fact that schools opened just a few days ago and we're headlong into fall and winter planning and event calendars.
And during the dog days, aren't you supposed to just lay back among cool cushions, with tall, icy glasses of lemonade and tea and a few nibblies like nuts and cookies, and relax with books or movies or both? Yeah. That's what I want.
I'll get there. I always do.
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