Sunday, August 08, 2010

More on books -- Day 2

Day 02 – A book or series you wish more people were reading and talking about

Oh man, I dunno.

It takes me what seems like forever to finish a book these days, probably because I usually read only before I turn off the light at night. Well, that's not quite true either. I always read two newspapers and often skim through a magazine or two during the day, and I read several blogs daily.

I've got a stack of books on my nightstand, two actively in progress, and pages folded over on three magazines to resume reading. And I don't read any one genre, but a combination of fiction and nonfiction.

Probably the books that have meant the most this past year are two of Martha Beck's -- Steering by Starlight and Finding Your Own North Star. I've recommended them to several friends, especially those who are having troubles determining where to go next in their lives.

So I guess they would merit my recommendation for this question. In fact, I suppose this category -- finding out where your passion lies, finding your 'true' self -- ranks pretty high on my list of important reading materials. You've got to get to the place, though, where you're willing to search hard and deep within yourself to be able to read and absorb the lessons, and do the exercises, within these books, and that's not an easy task, ever.


mxtodis123 said...

Ha, at any given moment I am reading at least 3 books. Never quite finish any of them...only rarely. The only entire series I read, not once, but twice was the entire Avalon series.

mxtodis123 said...

Ha, at any given moment I am reading at least 3 books. Never quite finish any of them...only rarely. The only entire series I read, not once, but twice was the entire Avalon series.